
importscan.scan(package, ignore=None, handle_error=None)

Scan a package by importing it.

A framework can provide registration decorators: a decorator that when used on a class or a function causes it to be registered with the framework. Metaclasses can also be used for this effect. As a consequence of this, registration only takes place when the module is actually imported. You can do this import explicitly in your code. It can however also be convenient to import everything in a package all at once automatically. This is what scan does.

This function was extracted and refactored from the Venusian library which also provides infrastructure for finding such decorators.

  • package – A reference to a Python package or module object.
  • ignore

    Ignore certain modules or packages during a scan. It should be a sequence containing strings and/or callables that are used to match against the dotted name of a module encountered during a scan. The sequence can contain any of these three types of objects:

    • A string representing a dotted name. For example, if you want to ignore the my.package package and any of its submodules during the scan, pass ignore=['my.package'].
    • A string representing a relative dotted name, a string starting with a dot. The relative module or package is relative to the package being scanned, so this does not match deeper relative packages.

      For example, if the package you’ve passed is imported as my.package, and you pass ignore=['.mymodule'], the my.package.mymodule mymodule and any of its submodules are omitted during scan processing. But my.package.sub.mymodule is not ignored as mymodule is nested in sub.

    • A callable that accepts a dotted name indicating a module or a package as its single positional argument and returns True or False. For example, if you want to skip all packages and modules with a full dotted path that ends with the word “tests”, you can use ignore=[re.compile('tests$').search]. If the callable returns True (or anything else truthy), the object is ignored, if it returns False (or anything else falsy) the object is not ignored.

    You can mix and match the three types of strings in the list. For example, if the package being scanned is my, ignore=['my.package', '.someothermodule', re.compile('tests$').search] would cause my.package (and all its submodules and subobjects) to be ignored, my.someothermodule to be ignored, and any modules, packages, or global objects found during the scan that have a full dotted name that ends with the word tests to be ignored.

    Packages and modules matched by any ignore in the list are not imported, and their top-level (registration) code is not run as a result.

    You can also pass in a string or callable by itself as a single non-list argument.

  • handle_error

    A callback function that is called when an exception is raised during the importing process. By default scan propagates all errors that happen during the import process, including ImportError. If you use a custom handle_error callback, you can change this behavior by not reraising the error.

    Here’s an example handle_error callback that ignores ImportError but not any other errors:

    def handle_error(name, e):
        if not isinstance(e, ImportError):
            raise e

    The first argument passed to handle_error is the module or package dotted name that could not be imported due to an exception. The second argument is the exception object. If handle_error does not re-raise the error, the error is suppressed.


0.1 (2016-03-15)

  • Initial public release.

Indices and tables